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FIRE Speech Rating
State University of New York - Oswego earns a Yellow speech code rating from the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE).A yellow light institution maintains policies that could be interpreted to suppress protected speech or policies that, while clearly restricting freedom of speech, restrict relatively narrow categories of speech.
FIRE evaluates colleges and universities' "speech codes," or written free speech policies, for how well they protect students' freedom of speech. ACTA believes an institution's commitment to free expression correlates with its commitment to academic excellence, facilitated through the free exchange of ideas.
SUNY-Oswego says its general education program "is governed by two guiding principles: liberal education plays a foundational role in preparing Oswego graduates to engage and contribute to the world; students should have a degree of choice regarding the shape of their general education program. The SUNY Oswego general education program, what we call GE 21, will help students to hone the skills and habits of thought necessary to do well in university and critical to a life well lived after being graduated." [Source]
2021-22 enrollment and tuition data, and four-year graduation rates for first-time, full-time freshmen who enrolled in Fall 2012, are derived from the National Center for Education Statistics’ College Navigator.